Thursday, April 21, 2011

Gracie Emersyn is 8 months old

We've been in Florida on vacation...........but my cute, baby girl is 8 months old!!!Now, she may look sweet and innocent, but recently she has had some sort of separation thing going on with me. She screams when I leave her, or walk away for 2 seconds- hope this is a faze! She is a good sleeper- only wakes once in the night~ she wears a size 3 diaper~ loves all food and tries anything new! Uses a bottle now- no more nursing~ she kinda bit me a few times and I said.. "I'm done" :) So we are adjusting to that too!
*8 months~ where has all the time gone?
Sunning on the beach~ her first trip to the ocean!
Still have two BIG teeth~ one coming threw on the top too now! Love you baby girl! Please stay small :)

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